
Expand your Chinese company outside of China

Discover a whole new side to your brand with the power of digital

Explore all the possibilities!

Have you ever considered the fast growing market existing beyond
the borders of China? With globalization reaching an all-time high, so
does your competition. Everyone’s going online and applying the newest
strategies into making sure their company stays on top. That means being
accessible to everybody and thinking about it and actually implementing
it is not as stress-free as it sounds.

Why go beyond China?

We’re sure your brand has been succeeding in Chinese markets so it’s time for a level up. Marketing has branched out with a whole new standard filled with trends and platforms moving at a very fast pace. EOI Digital always works hard to keep up with these trends and reach the clients where they are most, which is online. Communication is another huge factor that needs to be done well in order to succeed in reaching out and expanding. We can help you cross that barrier and grow while understanding what your international market wants.

We can help your Chinese company branch out and expand beyond China’s borders. By going international, you can get so much benefits from clients to resources and so much more. You can also get ahead of all your local competitors as you offer your products to foreign countries first. This advantage is a big one that can bring your loyal customers who will help you stay on top.

Redefine your business model.

We believe in your business as much as you do. We know you created it for success. This is why we want to help you make it into the best it can be. By redefining it into generating sales on a more global scale, you will have an easier time reaching your goal and maintaining a good profit.

Your business model is a constant work in progress. It will need to change every time a new opportunity arises like expansion. It’s also about studying about your competition and how your company can do better in offering what your customer wants and needs. we can redefine your model into becoming more global oriented and tap into the big Western markets where the consumers you can access are just limitless.

We can help you redefine all these into creating an efficient and achievable business model that can easily guide you as you go along your company’s journey.

Update your technological strategies.

Thinking of going digital? From your business’ internal systems to a more public perspective, a good digital transformation is something you need in order to keep up with most businesses nowadays. It’s less expensive, requires less manpower and is overall, the more efficient route to go.

We will analyze and asses which technology stack is the most suitable for you to operate into the Western markets. With the use of proper programs and applications, you can cut out a lot of time in your schedule as we help you assess the most effective strategies.

We have professionals ready to help you update your strategies and give you the technological boost your company needs. From a good working system to a great website, we’ve got you covered.

Redesign your brand and culture.

Have you noticed the shift on branding becoming a major focus for businesses? There is a major factor to take into consideration in creating an international brand. With the proper branding and image design, you can easily attract your global market with minimal effort. At the same time, it’s important to stay rooted to your local brand as this is what sets you apart.

Aside from a good image, what people also like is a good story. We can help you design your brand into something iconic, all the while creating a captivating narrative. Your company’s culture goes hand in hand with how it’s seen by all its potential consumers so both parts are equally vital for success.

We are here to build you a brand that is memorable from its roots to its façade. This can range from your company culture to a clever slogan and an engaging logo. All of which will play a great part in boosting your brand’s image.

Localize Digital Marketing.

Take note of the fame of all these different Chinese platforms like Taobao, RenRen and WeChat. These were all brought about by a good local campaign. At the same time, it’s important to see what other parts of the world are using. This allows your brand to be viewed on a more international scale. While the idea of expansion already seems daunting, there are a lot of parts you still have to think about.

It’s important to create a page, if not a website, per region you plan on branching out to. This will allow you to see what appeals to every region more and let you focus on promoting those. At the same time, it creates a more personalized experience for the users which is significant in creating loyal customers.

We can help you create a detailed and result driven digital marketing campaign that will bring your brand the international promotion it needs. We also make use of tools to make sure we have numbers in our progress like Google Ads, Social Media Advertisement and Search Engine Optimization among many others.

Tap into the local network.

We know that your brand, no matter how big or small, needs connections. Building these relationships can help you immensely once you decide to tap into a particular country or region. It can come through a smaller scale like a promotion or a bigger one like a partnership or collaboration. Both of which can give you the local attention your business needs to grow in that area.

Your brand is made to grow and we can help you get there. Many foreign brands have created partnerships with big local companies and these have helped them both into creating a bigger market. The locals know what the locals want which is something to use to your advantage in how to market your products directed for them.

We can help you create these connections as we get to know the local network. Being a company based in different countries, we are able to meet different nationalities on the daily. We can share these relationships with you to help you grow your own brand and cultivate it on an international scale.

How Alibaba went Global.

Everyone has heard of Alibaba at one point, from wherever they are in the world. Being the biggest e-commerce player in China practically means being the biggest one in the world. As Alibaba has gotten 58% of the country’s e-commerce shares, they seem to have reached the pinnacle of success. However they have recognized the potential in going international and they are doing so in measured and calculated steps.

Back in 2017, 89% of their revenue came from local market but a growing 11% came from international markets that are fueling them into steady growth. With their launch of AliExpress which allowed direct transactions of Chinese sellers to international customers, they immediately grew in different regions like Russia and Southeast Asia. As these grow, they have even created specialized versions for countries like Tmall with Russia. It is evident how going international has all the benefits you would expect it to and so much more.


How Alibaba went Global.

Everyone has heard of Alibaba at one point, from wherever they are in the world. Being the biggest e-commerce player in China practically means being the biggest one in the world. As Alibaba has gotten 58% of the country’s e-commerce shares, they seem to have reached the pinnacle of success. However they have recognized the potential in going international and they are doing so in measured and calculated steps.

Back in 2017, 89% of their revenue came from local market but a growing 11% came from international markets that are fueling them into steady growth. With their launch of AliExpress which allowed direct transactions of Chinese sellers to international customers, they immediately grew in different regions like Russia and Southeast Asia. As these grow, they have even created specialized versions for countries like Tmall with Russia. It is evident how going international has all the benefits you would expect it to and so much more.

We’re here.

Our door is always open for a good cup of coffee.

Our offices in: Manila & Hongkong
Phone number: +639661763105
Email: info@eoi.digital

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